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Sunday open first Sunday of the month from March

Why we love it…

“What makes Inge’s pieces special is the paper-thin porcelain she uses, which gives each cup, vase, or bowl a delicate, translucent aesthetic, particularly in the light. She only works in white, which is all the better to let her unique shapes come through. She’s usually working in her studio, so take advantage of the opportunity to chat with her about her work when you stop in.”

Goop City Guide

Etablissement recommandé

“De l’extérieur, on est tout d’abord happé par la lumière qui s’échappe du lieu. En y regardant de plus près, on ne voit rien d’autre que du blanc. Vases, verres, pots… Chaque pièce est unique, et pourtant on aurait tendance à croire qu’elles se ressemblent toutes ! Inge Vincents, l’artiste, travaille les formes, les volumes, les courbes, toujours avec finesse et précision, pour donner une âme à son travail. A son image, l’endroit est apaisant… On craque pour ses oeuvres.”

Petit Futé 2023 guide Copenhague

A Danish ceramicist’s delicate touch makes for the perfect souvenir

“Inge Vincents’ shop is quintessentially Scandi—light, airy, minimalistic. And yet, it’s nothing if not warm and inviting. Vincents’ handmade creations line the walls of this little hideaway off busy Jaegersborggade as testaments to her delicate touch. From paper-thin vases and bowls to teacups and plates in the finest, translucent white, it’s a home decor buff’s dream. But the ceramicist is keen on making clear that her creations aren’t merely for special occasions. Rather, they’re beautiful objects for everyday use. And what better way to inject a bit of luxury into the quotidian than by way of a delicate, handmade souvenir?”

Lost In… Copenhagen

(Article no longer available online)

Urban Potters

I’m honoured to be featured in this book by Katie Treggiden, published September 2017. She visits ceramists in six major cities around the world: New York, Sao Paolo, Tokyo, London, Sydney and Copenhagen.  The book is available amongst other places on Amazon and I sell it at the studio shop too for 250 DKK.