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Sunday open first Sunday of the month from March

Studio visit: Inge Vincents

“I spend at least 40 hours a week in my studio and I have prioritized making it a space in which I feel comfortable, both in terms of work-process layout and aesthetics. Some of the furniture, such as my work desk, which doubles as the counter, and the display pedestals have been custom built by my brother who is a carpenter, but I also have several pieces of second-hand furniture and lamps (some even found in dumpsters). All were carefully chosen to fit together, creating the ambiance/atmosphere I want for my space. Even though I sometimes work several weeks in a row without a day off, I’m always very happy when I put my key in the keyhole, and a special joy fills me as I enter the front room of my space and see the wooden shelves, the light from the many windows, and people walking by outside.”